Q. How does it work?
A selection of 4 refreshing and accessible recipes are created by our bartenders each month and then shipped from our bar to your home.
Q. What kind of cocktails will l receive?
We will take into consideration the season and time of year when selecting ingredients. There will be a mix of spirits and liqueurs used in each cocktail along with fresh citrus and juices.
Q. When will I receive my box?
We ship all boxes on the 3rd Monday of each month
Q. When will we charge you?
We will take your first payment when you sign up then on the 1st of the month thereafter.
Q. What if I sign up after the 3rd monday of the month?
We will send your 1st box to you within 5 working days of you signing up.
Q. How do we Deliver?
We use DHL parcels for the bulk of our deliveries, you will get a tracking number sent to you. Once we post they will take 2-3 working days to arrive.
Q. How much does it cost?
It is £25.00 for 4 cocktails and the delivery fee. A total of £25.00 will come out of your account each month.
Q. Can I cancel or pause your subscription?
You can manage your subscription when you set your account up on our site. You can pause, cancel or change delivery addresses at any time.